
I had such high hopes for this year in Destiny before Lightfall dropped. I was looking forward to all the new locations and missions and gear; practically all of it. The unwavering feeling of guilt over having missed out on a whole year’s worth of content was beginning to creep back in as the season started because deep down as I progressed through the story, my gut was telling me that this wasn’t what I wanted but my head was telling me to press on and see it through, be a soldier and suck it up.

Then came the news of Zavala’s voice actor, Lane Reddick, passing away a few days ago. The motivation to play lessened to a drip. A small drop of water rapidly evaporating on hot stone. A dying, wilting flower in a vase of fresh water.

Then came today.

I wasn’t expecting anything new with the seasonal story since all three of the battlegrounds were now open. I fully expected the seasonal story to be “over” and replaced with the usual seasonal activity treadmill of grinding for loot. I was, at the moment, pleasantly surprised to find there was a new mission for me to do in the EDZ, so I went. Eramis gave us a warning as we entered the mission that something was going to happen and in usual “I’m immortal and will survive whatever” fashion, we ran in. Only, we weren’t the one that was going to get hurt. I got to the end of the mission after being “surprised” by a Tormentor (and let’s be honest, I wasn’t surprised by that being in the mission, they like to throw new enemies at you as often as they can) only to watch in horror as Mithrax escaped with the captives while Amanda was consumed in a sea of fire from the bombs inside the facility. Bombs that she decided not to mention to Mithrax over the comms while she worked on a way to unlock the doors so the others could escape.

I feel like this is only the beginning. I feel like they’re going to start going the route of Game of Thrones and start killing everyone off, one by one, until we reach The Final Shape.

After this happened, I could only stand to look at the game for a little longer before I turned off the stream and logged out of the game.

One The Final Shape happens and the Light vs Dark story arc is completed, I’m done. I don’t care what a sequel to Destiny looks like or what it will and will not contain.


Lightfall Post Mortem


Love, Lance